This lab intensive course weaves together the concepts of regional interdependence and efficient use of test-treat-retest in manual therapy in order to improve therapeutic alliance and patient outcomes. Specific techniques ranging from muscle energy techniques, mobilization-with-movement as well as manipulation of the spine and extremities will be instructed. This course will serve to compliment any therapist’s skills whatever their background and greatly assist those with challenges of short stature or with sore thumbs. This well referenced workshop easily integrates the current evidence into clinical practice for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. The course is complimented by a digital handout containing 70+ home exercise programs that coincide with the material presented. This course does not have any prereading materials.
Course Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Prerequisites: None
Contact Hrs: 16 Live
Live Course Hours:
Saturday 8:00am-5:30pm
Sunday 8:00am-5:30pm
Instructor: Charles “Chuck” Clark