With the increase in current evidence and course work around modern pain science, recommended utilization of cognitive functional based therapy, and a seismic shift to a bio-psycho-social approach to patient care, many clinicians are left wondering how to implement these changes into daily clinical practice. This course is designed to help clinicians learn how to clinically apply these highly useful concepts and help answer the ongoing questions of, and “Is what I am doing now wrong?” and “What do I do differently?”. This course is designed to help the practicing clinician identify and fill in the gaps in their knowledge base and clinical skill sets in regards to the patient interview, examination, both exercise and manual interventions and patient education. It will teach the clinician to learn how to make small changes leading to a meaningful change in their patient’s care utilizing a comprehensive and integrative physical therapy approach.
Course Level: Advanced
Prerequisites: NA
Contact Hrs: 16 Live
Live Course Hours:
Saturday 8:00am-5:30pm
Sunday 8:00am-5:30pm
Instructor: Brandon Ellison